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People require good food for the proper development of the body. Nutrients found in the foods play essential role in the growth of the body. So, every nutrient is essential for the body to function effectively clothing and keep away the deficiency diseases. People are getting lots of deficiency diseases from the odd eating habit. They are eating the fast food which is tasty and rich in fats which leads to diseases in the long run. The long wholesale women's clothing known balanced diet is no longer eaten leading to the development of deficiency diseases. The dietitians are advising the people to have food which is rich in the essential nutrients. But people are busy and hardly get time to buy or prepare the healthy food. Thus, healthy food is the need of the hour to keep away the diseases from our body.

Sesame seeds are found in India since the ancient time in various color, sizes and aroma. Since then it has been cultivated in the country for the consumption of the people. In villages, seeds are and made paste to make traditional biscuits. It produces oil which is used for the medicinal purposes for various diseases in the wholesale fashion clothing medicines. Seed is used for its preventive, curative, and nutritive purposes in the country. So, the people are buying the Indian hulled sesame seeds to add in their foods to get the balanced diet. It has nutrients like calcium, copper, manganese, phosphorous, magnesium, etc. There are important minerals like vitamin A, C, E, Riboflavin ,clothing, thiamine, and many more in the seeds. This is why these seeds are in demand from different countries of the world for their nutritive value. This is essential in gaining a good and healthy life by the people.

Spices are the part of the plant like bark, seeds, leaves, fruits, roots, vegetable, and whole plant. These are used in the foods to add color, aroma, and preserve from spoiling when packaged. Spices are grown in India since the ancient ages and used cheap wholesale clothing in making the clothing delicious foods. Even the European countries fought wars with the Indian provinces while trying to gain the spice market. Indian spices and pickles are famous all around the world. They have traded this valuable food items for many years and become rich. Some of them even tried to replicate them by growing in the different land but failed in their attempts.

