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There are no 'facts on the ground' to support the creation of yet another state and one which will of course fail spectacularly. Creating another Arab state will only ensure future conflict. Once again the will wholesale women's clothing have to give up land in exchange for terror, rockets and more vitriolic denunciations. After all what better way to solidify the political control of a failed state, than to demonize the Jew? See Mohammed and Hitler for more information. The Arabs have done nothing to deserve another state, and have no interest in peace, love, harmony or inter-faith understanding. Setting up yet another Arab state is simply rewarding terrorism.
When the left Gaza in many said it was a mistake. And it was. It was pointed out that leaving Lebanon in the  and again in was a tragedy confirming that southern Lebanon would remain a terrorist state. And so it is. Gaza is now the same as wholesale fashion clothing controlled-southern Lebanon. Israel is now bordered on the south and north by fascist Arab organisations who sole mission in life is to kill Jews and promote the annihilation of the Jewish state. This is what some may lightly term 'a severe problem'.

Imagine if miles away from your town, some a group of murderers set up installations and launched indiscriminate rocket attacks against your town. Imagine if every day on average rockets would land in your town and hit anything from day care centers, to schools, to highways and hospitals. What would your reaction be ? More dialogue ? International talks under the auspices of the fascist friends at the cheap wholesale clothing ? Statehood for the terrorists? Promote love, peace and the brotherhood of man ? What if your daughter was one of people killed or injured in such attacks in the past years ? Would you blame yourself and your town for the attacks and look for the 'root causes' of fascist hate ? I doubt it.

